48:e festivalen 24 jan - 2 feb, 2025

Stella Blómkvist

Iceland, 2017

3 x 90’ or 6 x 45’
Based on the best-selling crime novels written under the pseudonym Stella Blómkvist
Nominated writer: Jóhann Ævar Grímsson, Andri Óttarsson and Nanna Kristín Magnúsdóttir
Writers: Jóhann Ævar Grímsson, Andri Óttarsson, Nanna Kristín Magnúsdóttir
Director: Óskar Þór Axelsson
Producer: Kjartan Thor Thordarson, Anna Vigdís Gísladóttir, Thorhallur Gunnarsson
Produced by Sagafilm for Síminn/Viaplay
International distributor: Red Arrow International

Stella Blomkvist (Heida Reed) a ruthless and cunning lawyer, takes on mysterious and often dangerous murder cases and only loves rules when she’s breaking them.

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