48:e festivalen 24 jan - 2 feb, 2025

Director, Screenwriter

Anna Emma Haudal


Filmography: Doggystyle II (tv-series, 2019), Theo & den magiske talismand (tv-series, episode writer, 2018), Doggystyle I (tv-series, 2018), Sjit happens 5 (tv-series, episode writer, 2017), Sofa (short, 2016), En fucking nar (short animation, co-writer, 2014)

Anna Emma Haudal grew up in the desolate, yet magical countryside north west of Copenhagen. Her wish as creator are to always tell the truth about man, with all its defects and inadequacies. Her cinematic universes are often populated by lovable, awful and very human characters. Anna Emma was educated from The National Film School of Denmark in 2015. She wrote and directed the audience success Doggystyle in two seasons and has been rewarded for her work several times.

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