48:e festivalen 24 jan - 2 feb, 2025
48:e festivalen
24 Jan -
2 Feb, 2025

Film&TV vid Lindholmen Science Park är för andra året i rad värd för TorinoFilmLabs workshop ”SeriesLab”, ett scriptlab för tv-serier som pågår parallellt med Göteborg Film Festival. I samband med detta presenteras två spännande masterclasses för manusförfattare, regissörer, producenter och distributörer.


Masterclasses Friday February 1 15.15-17.30

Audience design: how to present and promote your project
by Riema Reybrouck

The current TV series landscape is full of original contents and it is extremely important to learn how to reach and engage with possible audiences rapidly, already during the development stage of the project. Participants will work on the creation of innovative audience engagement strategies for international TV series projects, exploring new ways of communicating content while collaborating on concrete strategies.

Why and how three-act structure works differently in series
by Eszter Angyalos​

Since Aristotle’s Poetics, most screenwriting theories build upon the three-act-structure in some way, but only a few of them offers an explanation, why is this the unquestionable basic structure of all successful stories. The three acts – beginning, middle, end; set-up, conflict, resolution; or however we call them – are easily recognizable in feature films but may be a bit more challenging to detect them in complex multistrand narratives, like television series. Nevertheless, even the most complex stories can be deconstructed into a specific combination of dozens of classic three-act stories.

In this lecture, based on the newest findings of cognitive cultural studies, we will explore how the three-act-structure is connected to our brain’s information-processing method, why is this the most satisfying way of structuring a story; and what makes us unconsciously using this structure all the time. Using examples from cult series like Game of thrones, Big Bang Theory or Stranger things, we will also examine how the three-act structure in series follows a completely different logic than in feature films, how it can be an effective method of structuring a series on season-level, on episode-level and on scene-level; and how the different ways of using this structure help defining the character of a television show.

More information at: https://film.lindholmen.se/nyheter/masterclasses-med-torinofilmlab

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