Dr. Marteinn Helgi Sigurðsson, a gifted Icelandic academic living in Copenhagen, finds himself at a crossroads when he is diagnosed with mental illness. Declining conventional methods, to deal with his mental state, he decides instead to embrace his episodical madness. Storm Alerts is an investigation and a reconstruction of Dr. Sigurðsson's experiences. He proposes that the manic side of him has a right to exist and be manifested. Arguing that the creative process is a journey into unknown territory in search of truths; a man’s journey into the unknown mysteries of the human spirit.
Original Title:Veðurskeytin Genre:DocumentaryDirector:Bergur BernburgScreenwriter:Jón Atli Jónasson, Bergur BernburgProducers:Friðrik Þór Friðriksson, Magnús Árni Skúlason, Margrét Jónasdóttir, Bergur BernburgProduction Companies:Firnindi Films & ResearchGruppenCinematography:Anders Koch, Bergur BernburgContact at NFM:Christof Wehmeier,