48:e festivalen 24 jan - 2 feb, 2025

Technical specifications video files
Pitches Nordic Film Market 2021

The video files must be submitted to us no later than Wednesday January 20.

Notice – the bigger in size your material is, the longer the upload time will be.
Use the following filemail account: https://goeteborg-film-festival.filemail.com/. No other online delivery method will be accepted.

Important notice- do not zip video material! Add a contact person who can respond to questions in case there would be a problem with the uploaded material.
Please make sure you have a stable internet connection throughout the whole upload. When the upload is finished, you will receive a confirmation e-mail from filemail.

Carefully label all material with the English Project Title.
Put NFM + English Project Title also in the subject field.


Technical specification for video files

Codecs accepted are H.264/mp4 or Apple ProRes422 (HQ)
Framerate: Preferably 24/25, but the below stated are also accepted:
23.98, 24, 25, 30, 50, 59.94, 60
Bit rate: Minimum bit rate for 1080p is 5Mbps, preferably 10-20 Mbps.
Resolution: Please use 1920×1080 (Full 1080p High Definition)
Scan type: Upload only progressive or de-interlaced video

Channels: Stereo
Codec: AAC
Minimum bit rate: 256 Kbps

English subtitels, burned into picture.

Contact information:
For technical questions, please contact:
Andrina Eriksson, andrina.eriksson@goteborgfilmfestival.se

For questions about Nordic Film Market and Discovery, please contact:
Josef Kullengård, josef.kullengard@goteborgfilmfestival.se

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