Meet media analyst Johanna Koljonen in a vibrant session presenting the conclusions of the 8th Nostradamus report followed by a conversation with producer John Giwa-Amu.
Newly released 8th Nostradamus report ”Transforming Storytelling” looks into the post-pandemic landscape and argues that the next few years present an unprecedented opportunity: not just the global players, but all stakeholders including individual European producers, will be part of shaping the new value chains, formats, production pipelines and artistic languages.
Media analyst Johanna Koljonen gives a brief presentation of some of the report’s main points, followed by a conversation with producer John Giwa-Amu (Producer, Good Gate Media, UK) already working successfully in future-oriented ways.
Time: Tuesday, March 2, 16:00 – 16:40
Place: EFM online
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Check out the EFM event here
Download the 8th Nostradamus report “Transforming Storytelling” here
The Nostradamus Report is presented by Göteborg Film Festival with support from and in collaboration with Lead Partner Film i Väst and with additional support from Nordisk Film & TV Fond, Västra Götalandsregionen and Kulturakademin.