
Pussy Riot


Pussy Riot is a feminist Russian punk band, artist collective, activist group and performance collective.

Originally, the band consisted of eleven female members in the ages 20-33 years. They often execute performances with spontaneous gigs and through the music they attempt to highlight issues concerning freedom of speech and equality.

In 2012, three of the members were sentenced to two year of prison for huliganism. They had, without the church's permission carried out a regime critical performance infront of the alter in Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow. The judge meant that they had been driven by hate and hostility towards believers. The performance in the cathedral was, according to the band themselves, an attempt to expose the connection between Putin and the leaders of the Russian-orthodox church.

About the choice of artist:
"We have chosen Pussy Riot as poster artist to direct the spotlight towards the Russian film, but also as a statement to take a stand for the film creators working conditions. It is a crucial question for the future, for the entire global society, that freedom of speech and human rights are respected always, everywhere, for everyone", the previous Artistic Director Maria Kapla, explained.