In Biodlaren, Olof (Adam Lundgren) works as a beekeeper in the small town of Åmotfors, located on the border between Sweden and Norway. As he navigates life in this quiet and rural setting Olof struggles with his health, finding himself unable to talk about his illness with his 14-year-old daughter, Lise (Hedvig Nilsson). This silence creates a painful distance between them, as Lise remains unaware of her father’s condition while he refuses to share the painful truth. The film is a reflection on life, death and the unsaid truths that shape our relationships.
Original Title:Biodlaren Director:Marcus CarlssonScreenwriters:Marcus Carlsson & Adam Lundgren Producers:Lovisa Charlier Ginday Production Company:Mariedamfilm AB Cinematography:Antonio Ikovic Sales status:N/AContact at NFM:Lovisa Charlier Ginday, mariedamfilm@mariedamfilm.se