48:e festivalen 24 jan - 2 feb, 2025

Article: The Pandemic and The Cinema

On June 25 Göteborg Film Festival’s Nostradamus initiative returns to Cannes NEXT, presenting the three parted session ”Making Choices: How to Build for a Better New Normal” hosted by media analyst Johanna Koljonen of the Göteborg Film Festival’s Nostradamus report. In conjuction to tomorrow’s session Tomas Eskilsson, Head of Strategy at Film i Väst who […]

48:e festivalen
24 Jan -
2 Feb, 2025

On June 25 Göteborg Film Festival’s Nostradamus initiative returns to Cannes NEXT, presenting the three parted session ”Making Choices: How to Build for a Better New Normal” hosted by media analyst Johanna Koljonen of the Göteborg Film Festival’s Nostradamus report. In conjuction to tomorrow’s session Tomas Eskilsson, Head of Strategy at Film i Väst who will be interviewed tomorrow just released the article ”The Pandemic and the Cinema” on how Covid-19 is affecting the landscape of film right now and in the long term.

”To understand what is happening and what may happen long term , my thesis is that we were already heading for a paradigm shift even before the crisis, and Sars Cov2/Covid 19 accelerates that development towards a new ecosystem for cinema”, said Tomas Eskilsson.

Read the article HERE


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