


Ekta is an artist, illustrator and one of the six people behind Gallery ORO in Majorna in Gothenburg. He moved to Gothenburg in 2005, after nine years in London. His main medium is painting, preferably outdoors, but he also exhibits his art - both as separate exhibitions and duo-exhibitions in Sweden and internationally.

"People are used to an inhuman perfection and I think the beautiful lies in the small unavoidable error that arise when you seek this perfection with your hand, lines can never be completely straight and the colour never truly even. I do not want to express too much about the object since I want to leave it to the viewer to create his or her own experience. But I have a few different ways in viewing the content, one of them touches upon the minor differences between poetry and reality", said Ekta about his art poster which came to be the symbol for the 33rd film festival in Gothenburg.