48:e festivalen 24 jan - 2 feb, 2025




Filmography: Fake It Till You Make it (TV series, in development), Bastard (TV series, in development), Love and Anarchy (TV series, 2020), Top Dog (TV series, 2020), Sommaren 85 (TV series, 2020), Get Ready With Me (short, 2019), Lost in Kyiv (short, 2019) 

Amanda Högberg (b. 1990 in Gagnef, Dalarna) has a background in the performing arts as an actress, dancer and choreographer. She studied at Stockholm University of Arts and received an Oscar for best student film Get Ready With Me, a psychological thriller with a humorous touch. She specializes in genre mashups, whether for the screen, the stage or for audio fiction. Currently, she is developing several TV series and is head-writing a dramedy series for Cmore/TV4 at FLX, which will premiere in 2022. 

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