48:e festivalen 24 jan - 2 feb, 2025

The leading film festival in Scandinavia

Jan 27 – Feb 5, 2023

48:e festivalen
24 Jan -
2 Feb, 2025

Welcome to the leading film festival in Scandinavia. Göteborg Film Festival started in 1979 and attracts around 270,000 visitors each year, in cinemas and online. For 11 days at the end of January the festival will show around 250 films from more than 80 countries in about 700 screenings. In addition, we always offer a packed program with talks, parties, industry activities and new meeting places.

Press info at Göteborg Film Festival

Press Screenings
The Festival Films

During ten intense days, we give you more than 700 screenings on around 250 films from some 80 countries. A small number of film tickets for each screening will be reserved for the press and can be picked up in at the press center Scandic Rubinen. The tickets are released the day before the screening. The ticket office will be open 8.30-12am daily during the festival. (Please observe that the press center opens at 10.00 am). If you don’t manage to get a press ticket, accredited journalists have access to the festival screenings subject to availability (don’t forget your press badge).

The Festival Guests

Contact press@goteborgfilmfestival.se for a list of all the guests.

Industry Center

Hotel Draken at Järntorget is our meeting place for industry, guests and the press. This is where you collect your accreditation badge, find spaces for meeting, working sites and take a break at the rooftop festival bar. You will also be given our packed Industry Guide, containing a schedule of all activities, as well as lists with contact details to all accredited journalists at the festival and the Nordic Film Market. Our staff here offer you support and can answer all your questions about the festival. Wi-Fi will be available.

We will be happy to connect you with the right people. Don’t hesitate to contact us at press@goteborgfilmfestival.se or at the press centre at Scandic Rubinen.


We are happy to help you book interviews with the festival guests. We can also assist you with documents, pictures, trailers etc. More information about the guests attending the festival will be announced well before start. For interview requests, please contact us at press@goteborgfilmfestival.se.

Master Classes, Talks and Works in Progress

The festival offers a variety of conversations and meetings with current festival filmmakers and other relevant guests in the form of Master Classes, Directors Talk, Actors Talks, Bar Talks and Works in Progress. More information will be available in January.

Nordic Film Market

Nordic Film Market is the leading business and meeting place for the Scandinavian and international film industry attending Göteborg Film Festival. The market presents new films available for distribution, work in progress, film projects in development, spotting talent and trends in film from the Nordic region (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland). 

Read about industry accreditations here

TV Drama Vision

TV Drama Vision is our annual conference and market showcasing Nordic drama series with a global outlook. The programme gives a comprehensive overview of what is coming out from in the Nordic region, bringing the latest international business trends, audiovisual talent and key professionals.

Read about industry accreditations here

If you have further questions regarding press accreditation, please contact us.

Phone: +46(0)31 - 339 30 01

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