48:e festivalen 24 jan - 2 feb, 2025
48:e festivalen
24 Jan -
2 Feb, 2025



Akam lives a carefree life in Oslo. When his uncle from Kurdistan comes for a surprise visit, Akam has to practice Kurdish hospitality and invites his uncle to stay for a couple of nights. When it becomes apparent that his uncle is in the country illegally and is planning to stay for good, Akam needs to make an ethical decision regarding the Norwegian authorities and the needs of his uncle. Slowly, he learns why his uncle left his home country in the first place.

Director & Screenwriter: Brwa Vahabpour
Producer: Renée Mlodyszewski
Production Company: True Content Production
Sales: TBD
Contact during NFM:
Renée Mlodyszweski
+47 416 29 352

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