48:e festivalen 24 jan - 2 feb, 2025

Director & screenwriter

Emilie BECK


Filmography: Escaping Bolivia (TV series, in development), Royalteen (feature, 2022), No Place Like Home (documentary, 2022), When You Left (short, 2020), Do You Want Me Back (short, 2020)

Emilie Beck (b. 1991) is from a small summer island outside of Tønsberg, Norway. She has a bachelor in documentary film directing and a masters degree from The Nor- wegian Film School in fiction directing. She’s been making short films since her early twenties, within both fiction and non-fiction, which have been shown around the world. Her work focuses on the causes she is most passionate about, including women’s rights, strong female characters and grey zone issues in society. She’s currently develop- ing her own series Escaping Bolivia with 4 1/2 Film and Fremantle, amongst other projects.

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