48:e festivalen 24 jan - 2 feb, 2025

Focus: Disorder

Disorder in focus at Göteborg Film Festival 2022.

48:e festivalen
24 Jan -
2 Feb, 2025

How much order do we really want in our lives? Never before have we been as isolated and regulated as in recent years. The longing for freedom is greater than ever but what have two years in a state of emergency with strict rules and changing norms done to our society and our mental state? In Focus: Disorder, we embrace the liberating power of disorder and head straight into the new roaring 20s. 


“We live in a time when many see order and structure as the answer to everything. At the same time, the last couple of years have, in a unique way, highlighted how order actually is maintained in different societies. In Focus: Disorder, we examine how the oppositions between order and disorder is constructed in the art of film. We will show films that explore organizing structures within societies, families and individuals but also acknowledge what happens to those who go against the rules and the given order. In addition, we will approach the system of order within film and ask ourselves how much order that is actually needed”, says Jonas Holmberg, Artistic Director at Göteborg Film Festival. 

Below, are three films that will be included in Focus: Disorder. More films, talks and special screenings part of the focus will be announced in connection with the festival’s programme release on January 11.

Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn

In this unique masterpiece, which won the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival, homemade porn ends up in the wrong hands, creating chaos for an uptight teacher.

When schoolteacher Emi’s pornographic amateur video is suddenly spread online her life changes fundamentally. But what rules has she really violated? Through ​a shameless depiction of sex, a pandemic city symphony, an intellectual association game and the most wicked parent meeting in film history, Radu Jude brings together four completely different films into a brilliant piece of art.

Land of Dreams

In Shirin Neshat’s poetic satire on subconscious truths and the relationship between states and citizens, a state-employed dreamcatcher violates the rules. 

By gathering statistics and information about people and the economy, the US Census Bureau keeps the nation in order. But to ensure security in society the state wants more control and gives the task of collecting citizens’ dreams to Simin, a government employee. Land of Dreams is a thought-provoking film by award-winning filmmaker and artist Shirin Neshat (Women Without Men), and co-director Shoja Azari.

The Falls

A strained relationship between a mother and a daughter undergoes an unexpected transformation in this creative mix of mental illness, love and trust. 

When the grumpy teenager Xiao Jing ends up quarantining at home at the same time as her mother loses her job, it does not take long until the relationship between them changes and their everyday life turns into a nightmare. Taiwanese director, Chung Mong-Hong, combines drama, psychological horror and humour while demonstrating that it might be when things fall apart that there’s a chance to create something new and better. 

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