48:e festivalen 24 jan - 2 feb, 2025

The Hypnotic Cinema

48:e festivalen
24 Jan -
2 Feb, 2025

Do you dare to lose control?

This year’s festival focus Disorder explores the boundary between order and disorder, in our society and within ourselves. Through The Hypnotic Cinema we examine what happens with the film experience if you dare to lose control over your consciousness by being hypnotized.

Three hypnotic screenings

The Hypnotic Cinema is a unique experiment with three exclusive screenings at Stora Teatern in Gothenburg. Before the film starts, a hypnotist will perform a mass hypnosis that will transform the audience’s state of mind in accordance with the mood and theme of the specific film. After the screening, the hypnotist will break the hypnosis. The selected films are all suggestive and in different ways they bring the audience on an emotional journey where different states of consciousness are explored.

The Hypnotic Cinema is carried out with the support of Göteborg & Co

Register your interest here

Do you want to experience film in a way you have never experienced before? We will release a limited number of tickets soon. Register your interest to get the chance to participate. You will choose which of the three films you want to watch at a later stage.

18-year age limit and vaccination certificate apply to these screenings. All participants have the right to suspend their participation at any time. The event may be documented with film and photo on behalf of the film festival.

Questions & Answers

Who can apply?

Participants must not be under 18 years of age, have physical or mental problems, be pregnant or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

What should I think about before participating?

Hypnosis is a fully natural state of consciousness, so you don’t need to prepare in any way. All you have to do is listen to the voice of the hypnotist. The hypnosis is for entertainment purposes and if you want to break the hypnosis, you can easily do that yourself whenever you want.

Who performs the hypnosis?

Hypnotist Fredrik Praesto.

I have registered my interest. What happens now?

We will announce who will have the opportunity to buy a ticket.

Would you rather engage in self-hypnosis?

Every day during the festival, you will be able to be hypnotized by exclusive film premieres in our digital salon. Travel across land and sea, be affected by captivating lives and enjoy the art of film at its best. Directly from your own sofa.

Digitala salongen

Online Pass

With the online pass, you get a unique digital festival experience wherever you are. For eleven days, you can enjoy 50 of the festival’s 200 most anticipated Nordic premieres and international films celebrated during the year. Each movie can be streamed for 24 hours via computer, tablet, smartphone, Chromecast or Apple TV. Explore the online program and buy the online pass from January 11 at goteborgfilmfestival.se/online

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