48:e festivalen 24 jan - 2 feb, 2025
48:e festivalen
24 Jan -
2 Feb, 2025


Itonje Søimer Guttormsen

ons 3 feb 18:00

Everyone around unsuccessful artist Gritt seems completely grounded in their artistic ambitions, but the more Gritt repeats the pitch about her epic performance, the more vague it seems to become. To save face, she sets more and more radical actions in motion that finally throws her into a free fall.

Original Title: Gritt
Year: 2021
Premiere: Swedish premiere
Category: Fiction
Director: Itonje Søimer Guttormsen
Country: Norway
Runtime: 119 minutes
Language: Norwegian, English
Screenplay: Itonje Søimer Guttormsen
Cinematography: Patrik Safström
Editing: Itonje Søimer Guttormsen, Michal Leszcylowski, Geir Ørnholt
Music: Erik Ljunggren
Producer: Maria Ekerhovd
Cast: Birgitte Larsen, Marte Wexelsen Goksøyr, Lars Øyno, Andrine Sæther, Maria Grazia de Meo, Linda Hverven, Kyrre Hellum, Lars Vaular, Brad Burgess, Shoukat Chengezi, Shokat Harjo, Christine O’Day
Sales Contact: Mer Film, hei@merfilm.no
Swedish Distributor: –

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