48:e festivalen 24 jan - 2 feb, 2025
48:e festivalen
24 Jan -
2 Feb, 2025

Who is eligible to apply? 

Göteborg Film Fund 2021 accept applications from the following: 

  • Development support: main producers, directors and/or screenwriters. (Applicants do not need an attached producer/production company to apply) 
  • Post-production support: main producers  
  • Innovative distribution support: screening organisations, distribution companies, production companies.  

Directors/screenwriters and main producers should have the nationality of an eligible country or be based in an eligible country. (If you have a co-producer from another country we can still support the project.) 

The applying organisation (Innovative distribution support) must be based in one of the eligible countries or regions. 

What kind of projects/films does Göteborg Film Fund 2021 support? 

Göteborg Film Fund 2021 supports feature length films (fiction, creative documentary, animation) and series originating from at least one of the eligible countries/regions. The minimum length is 60 minutes. 

The prime consideration of the selection committee are the artistic qualities of the project and the strength of the story. Consideration can also be given to projects with particular cultural and political relevance.  

Innovative distribution supports projects that involve feature length films and/or independent series originating from at least one of the eligible countries/regions. 

Which are the eligible countries/regions? 

Göteborg Film Fund 2021 accept projects/films originating from the following countries or regions: Brazil, Kurdistan (Kurdish filmmakers primarily in Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey), Sudan and Ukraine. 

Göteborg Film Fund 2021 can also support projects by filmmakers who are originally from an eligible country/region but are currently living in diaspora in a non-eligible country. Please note that priority is given to projects that are produced/shot within an eligible country. 

What do you consider as a “Kurdish” project?  

A project is considered as Kurdish if it has a Kurdish director/screenwriter and producer. If a project has a Kurdish director/screenwriter and a producer with Turkish, Iranian, Iraqi or Syrian nationality, based in Turkey, Iran, Iraq or Syria the project can also be eligible. Please contact us if you have questions or doubts around eligibility.  

How did you choose the eligible countries?   

For this one-year initiative we target four countries/regions. Before choosing we conducted a study, based on research and interviews, during 2020. The countries/regions were selected with the ambition to connect to interesting and productive film cultural landscapes, and to support filmmakers who face explicitly different kinds of challenges in the process of producing and distributing films.  

What will happen with the fund after 2021?  

Our goal is to establish a permanent film fund. During 2021 we will look for financing options and co-operations that can make this happen. A possible permanent film fund will not work exactly the same way as Göteborg Film Fund 2021, when it comes to eligible countries, guidelines and regulations. 

Which is the language of application? 

Applications should be written in English.  

Visual material should be subtitled in English unless the dialogue is in English. 

Göteborg Film Festival 2021 do not have the ability to assist with translation of application materials. (Should you have special reasons for not having the possibility to submit your application in English, please contact us.) 

When should the application arrive? 

All required documents and materials should be in our office at midnight on the day of the deadline at the latest. Gothenburg time (UTC+2). 

How do I send the requested materials? 

All documents and materials should be sent as e-mail to application.fund@goteborgfilmfestival.se

Please, name the e-mail by the Project title/Original title of the project. 

What formats does Göteborg Film Fund 2021 accept for visual materials? 

Links to Vimeo (with the password, if required) or Youtube.  

Please, make sure the visual material is subtitled in English unless the dialogue is in English. 

Regarding Post-production support we accept excerpted scenes if a rough cut isn’t available. The excerpted scenes should together be at least 30 minutes in length. 

What does director’s/screen writer’s statement mean? 
Here we want to know why you want to make this film. We want to feel the person and the driving force behind the project. Why is it you that can do it the best way? Why is this topic important to you? 

What is a project description?
Here we want to know what kind of film/series you are planning to create: Genre, the structure of the story, character information, artistic approach, how you see the future of the film/series when it is finished and other things that are important for you project. 

Regarding Innovative Distribution Support we want you to describe the concept and implementation of the project, including its purposes and goals. Please, also describe the innovative aspects of the project. You may also introduce the organization/s behind the project.

Can I apply with the same project in several support categories? 
You can apply with the same project for Post-production and Innovative distribution. You cannot apply with the same project for Development and Post-production. You cannot apply with the same project for Development and Innovative distribution. 

Will I receive a confirmation of my application? 

We will confirm your application by e-mail as soon as your application has been registered. Please note that it can take a while to process all the submitted projects, why this may take some time. 

How many projects/films will Göteborg Film Fund 2021 be able to support? 

Göteborg Film Fund 2021 will in total distribute SEK 4 000 000 (≈ € 400 000) in 2021.  

Göteborg Film Fund 2021 has the goal to support projects/films originating in all eligible countries, but has no definitive predetermined number of supported projects per scheme or country. 

What does Göteborg Film Fund 2021 expect in return for its contributions? 

All supported projects/films are obliged to send in a report, describing the use of funding and the progress of the project, at latest December 15, 2021. 

When a supported film (Development support & Post-production support) is finalized Göteborg Film Festival will have the rights to screen its world, European or Scandinavian premiere, with no screening fees charged. Support is no guarantee for a festival screening.  

Göteborg Film Festival will further obtain non-exclusive VOD rights within Sweden (Post-production support), to spread the film to Swedish audiences via its streaming platform, Draken Film.  

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