48:e festivalen 24 jan - 2 feb, 2025


Anne Falkesgaard Hansen


Filmography: The Great Unknown (feature, in development), We (feature, in development), Grundtvig (TV series, in development), Adieu (short, 2021), Neon Knights (animation short-game, 2020)

Anne Falkesgaard Hansen completed a 3-year film education at Zentropa in 2017 and was subsequently admitted to the National Film School of Denmark from where she graduated in 2021. She returned to Zentropa after Film School fellowed by her producer-partner Sophie D’Souza. The producer team work with their own projects and have several projects in development with seasoned Zen- tropa producer Peter Aalbæk Jensen. They strive to create quality content with an impact – always on the lookout for collaborations that spark shared value and synergy.

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