48:e festivalen 24 jan - 2 feb, 2025


Ingvil Sæther Berger


Filmography: Listen Up! (feature, in pre-production) Matters of Lesser Importance (TV series, in development), God is Dead (TV series, in development), Melvin is Out (feature, in development), Norwegian Couscous (short, 2020), An Old Piano (short, 2015) 

 Ingvil is a French – Norwegian producer based in Oslo. She started her career working in production on features such as The Rules for Everything (2017), Welcome to Norway (2016) and Women in Oversized Men’s Shirt (2015). She graduated as a producer from the Norwegian Film School in 2020 with her BA-film Norwegian Couscous and is currently a junior producer at Motlys, where she is about to produce her first feature film Listen up! with director Kaveh Tehrani. She has several projects in development, such as the musical TV series Matters of Lesser Importance. 

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