48:e festivalen 24 jan - 2 feb, 2025
48:e festivalen
24 Jan -
2 Feb, 2025

A Song Called Hate

Anna Hildur

tis 2 feb 16:00

The apolitical Eurovision Song Contest becomes a hot political arena as Icelandic Hatari prepares for their Tel Aviv performance. In front of the 200 million tv-viewers, they are determined to comment on Israel's occupation of Palestine, but various forces are pulling the strings with conflicting interests as they themselves, with the help of Palestinian and Israeli artists, try to find a viable path.

Original Title: A Song Called Hate
Year: 2020
Premiere: Swedish premiere
Category: Documentary
Director: Anna Hildur
Country: Iceland
Runtime: 90 minutes
Language: Icelandic, English, Arabic, Hebrew
Screenplay: Anna Hildur, Iain Forsyth, Jane Pollard
Cinematography: Baldvin Vernhardsson
Editing: Olly Stothert
Music: Margrét Rán
Producer: Anna Hildur
Cast: Matthías Tryggvi Harladsson, Klemens Nikulásson Hannigan, Einar Hrafn Stefánsson
Sales Contact: LevelK, niklas@levelk.dk
Swedish Distributor: –

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