48:e festivalen 24 jan - 2 feb, 2025

Producer & screenwriter

Alicia Hansen


Filmography: As If We Were Free (TV series, in development), Ozon (short, in development), Tjena Tjavo (short, in production), Lit City Film (short, 2019), I’m a Flexible Person (short, 2018), Eat Your Disorder (short, 2016), Female Fantasy (short, 2015)   

Alicia Hansen (b.1992) is a producer/screenwriter from Sweden educated at Alma Löv script academy and Stockholm University of The Arts. Hansen started her career by doing the feministic porno Female Fantasy (2015) which got a lot of recognition worldwide. Thereafter, Hansen has made her own projects as director/screenwriter alongside working as a junior producer at French quarter film. Currently, Hansen works as a freelancer, producing a short and is in development with a TV series.   

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